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Coshocton Redskins scalp Martins Ferry 70-42
👍 1
martins ferry vs bellaire boys
ferry 66 bellaire 47 final this eve in bellaire . after ferry got going it wasnt close 15-20 most of the second half ferry plays coshocton tomorrow at...
Who Wins??
Steubenville Big Red 1984 vs Steubenville Big Red 2005
My pick is 1984 for the reason the 84 team I believe was far more physical.
2025 Schedules
1 Fort Frye
2 Meadowbrook
3 @ Bellaire
4 Buckeye Local
5 @Monroe Central
6 Harrison Central
7 @Wheeling...Last edited by Trimblefootball; 12-15-2024, 01:32 PM.
👍 1
Girls Basketball
Lots of things to discuss on this thread.
How many players does your team have?
Good games you have seen.
OHSAA Football Finals
State finals discussion/predictions:
Cincinnati Moeller vs. Olentangy Liberty
Big Moe comes in with the better resume...Last edited by OHfootball3; 12-04-2024, 09:22 AM.
Mike Collopy Resigns at Edison
Heard through the grapevine that Coach Collopy was resigning. Confirmed from the November Board summary. Hopefully he keeps coaching baseball, because...
The Valley still has hope for a title..Good job Cameron and good luck.